How to Donate

You can donate through E-FAWATEERcom mobile application, or through its accessible service across all banks.

Map Jordan's donation boxes are spread across various locations throughout the kingdom, such as small and large retail stores, banks, pharmacies, hospitals, and others. This facilitates donating wherever you are, allowing everyone to contribute small amounts of money that collectively make a significant impact on treating disadvantaged patients in the camps.
Donation boxes are collected by a specialized company and are handed over to an endorsed bank to be sorted under high professional standards and strict supervision.

You can visit Map Jordan's headquarters located in Sweifieh, Bakhit Al-Issa Street, next to Modern American Schools, and donate at the Fundraising Department. We welcome you during official working hours from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Sunday to Thursday.

Through Zain Cash application, you can donate by selecting Jordan Medical Aid for Palestinians from the list under "Donations" section.

You can donate securely and easily through the CliQ instant payment service via your bank's mobile application.
Alias Name: MMAP1

The call center at the association receives calls at the number 0791616116 daily from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM, except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Our team are available to answer all your inquiries and coordinate with a representative to receive donations.

Map Jordan has booths located in main commercial centers. These booths aim to serve donors by providing information about the association, answering inquiries, and receiving direct donations. Additionally, the association provides temporary locations depending on the campaigns.
- City Mall
- Taj Mall
- Abdali Mall
- Cozmo 7th Circle
- Sameh Mall
- Amman Mall
- Jordan Hospital
- Istishari Hospital